Aldenham School, Founded 1597

Together we are Strong

At this time of worry and concern for many people it is now clear that all our Schools will need to move to online learning for at least the first half of this term and our nurseries are closed. With regard to the provision of online learning, we are able to benefit from the fact that our experience of an extended period of remote education in the Summer Term of 2020 means we feel confident that our teachers will be able to support the children very well whilst they are based at home.

In addition to our tried and tested approach to online learning, with our exceptional teachers who are always looking to enhance and improve the learning of the children, we are continuing to offer high quality pastoral support throughout this time to ensure that the children are supported emotionally in addition to academically.

Whilst some of the vibrant and exciting things our Schools offer when open physically clearly cannot take place under the current circumstances, we certainly intend to continue going beyond the classroom in our educational offering. We do hope that all the children will continue to take every opportunity provided and make the most of the situation.

We are clearly all hoping and praying that this period of lockdown, together with the introduction of a vaccination programme, will enable a decision to be taken in mid-February that pupils can return to School in the second half of this term. With the continued trust and support of each other which was such a significant feature of the lockdown of last year we will work through these concerning times together.

James Fowler
Headmaster/CEO The Aldenham Foundation

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Recent News

7th February

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Part of the
Aldenham Foundation