Aldenham School, Founded 1597


The Head and Deputy Head of the Prep School like to meet all prospective parents and we encourage you to make an appointment for a tour of the school so that you can see at first hand why Aldenham is so special.

Children start in the Nursery at the age of 3.

There are two Nursery rooms, Elmer and Wilbur and a Reception class. The admissions procedure at 4+ takes the form of a playgroup activity.

The Reception Class (age 4-5) offers an excellent start to children as they begin their first year of formal schooling. Continuing to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, the children are offered every opportunity to flourish before moving on to Year 1.

The children occupy Vincent House a brand new purpose built building completed in March 2021  Children benefit from excellent facilities, highly qualified staff and freshly cooked lunches on site by our own chef. Parents are updated by a weekly newsletter.

Children may be registered at any age by completing the Registration Form and paying the £100 registration fee. 

The 4+ Assessments take place in October of the previous academic year.

The 4+ assessment is a play based activity. The children are encouraged to play and interact with the staff. Social distancing will be observed as appropriate for children of this age. The teachers who carry out the assessment will encourage your child and help them feel at ease. Parents will need to remain on site, or nearby during the assessment which will last approximately 40 minutes.

Ms Embers
Aldenham Prep School Admissions
01923 851666

Registering does not guarantee a place, it simply places a child on the waiting list.

Aldenham Prep School Terms & Conditions

Part of the
Aldenham Foundation