Eco Bird Week
This week the Prep School have taken part in an Eco Week. We are working towards our Eco School Silver Award and our focus this year is Biodiversity. The Eco Committee, made up of children from each year group, decided that ‘Birds’ would be a good focus for us all. The children from Nursery to Year 6 have been involved in practical projects such as making bird house feeders, Cheerio strings and fat balls. Other children have studied birds from around the UK and painted, sketched and drawn beautiful pictures and others have created fact files for their favourite bird. The teachers in the Prep School have all signed up for the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Birdwatch and we have received packs to help the children identify the birds in their garden. The overall aim for the week has been to raise the awareness of the children. They now know that several bird species are in decline in the UK and that by just hanging a couple of well-placed bird feeders in our gardens, we can do our bit to help the native birds of the UK.
Mrs Gocher said ‘It was wonderful to see the whole school working on one project. The enthusiasm of all the children has been a joy to see, from the nursery children demonstrating amazing dexterity threading their cereal bird feeders to Year 6 building bird houses. The artwork produced by Year 5 has been superb especially the eagle by Charlie Howel. A big thank you goes to Mrs Bond for organising such a fantastic week.’
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